Saturday, June 27

Relay for Life/DECAF....Bad

Ok so last night there was a thing called the Relay for Life and it went from 6 P.M. to 6 A.M.. It was a church thing, and it was about raising money to find a cure for cancer. You had a team, and at least one person on you're team has to be walking around the track. (It was at a high school with a football field.) My youth group, 185, went but not a lot of people came from my youth group. Only like 10. Geez. I brought Madee. There was this Luminary service where you could have earlier bought a luminary and written the name/names of someone you had loved but then lost to cancer. On the bleachers of one side people weren't sitting on and they spelled the word HOPE. It was cool but sad. There were sprinklers but at like 1:30 cold sprinklers are not a good. Me and Madee got all loopy and half awake. We did order coffee from someone but we had to wait like 90 minutes.  When it finally got to us, it turns out it was weak. I mean, who wants weak coffee at 3:00 in the morning?!  Well these other girls from our youth group came to sit with us and we were all drinking coffee and there were a ton of bugs and one of them landed on one of the girls and she freaked out ant dropped/threw her coffee and we all screamed and the other girl got coffee on her. Yes I know their names. I just don't want to embarrass them.  Ok so we only stayed till like 4:30 ish . We all got tired an bored and wet. Oh and there were nasty bathrooms. EEeeeeewww. Ok well bye then.

The awesomest,



Saturday, June 20

Mistakes and emos (emoticons)

Hmm it seems I've made a mistake. The lead singer of Paramore, her name is actually spelled Hayley. (mumbling) **Have to tell Madee about this** Oh well. She'll learn soon enough. Oh and she may tell you that the little 8-) with the 8 being glasses is her idea, but that would be wrong. I came up with it. But she did come up with the 8 being goggles. So okay then. Me and one of my friends came up with these emoticons.

J = Vampire!!

0 0
> = OMG I'm an alien

() ()
^ = Opera
{ }

There may be some others later if I remember them. BYZ!!

The awesomest,


Friday, June 12


Omigod omigod omigod!!!!!!! IT'S THE NEW MOON TRAILER!!!!!!!!!!! WWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I is be happy!

Watch it watch it watch it watch it watch it watch it watch it!!!!!!!!!!!

The awesomest (and happiest),



Ok so here's some more inside jokes I'm changing the title to RIJ for random inside jokes.

"I will put you in a BOX."

"Madee is a turtle."

******giggle giggle******

Ok then BYE!!

The awesomest,
(the awesomest,)



Another song by Paramore. If you want the piano cover for it you'll have to go to The name is Crushcrushcrush.


Ya I know they are awesome.

The awesomest,


Paramore/Embedding Videos 8-D

I love this band PARAMORE!!!!!!!!!!! They rock.  This song is called Misery Business. 8-D (the 8 is glasses). The next one is this kid who is amazing at the piano playing Misery Business on the piano. WOOT!

Yayz! HAILEY ROX!! SO DOES HER HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

**note Hailey is the lead singer**

Oh and I just learned how to embed videos so BE WARNED!!!!

The awesomest,


Thursday, June 4


I am sad. My bird died. Her name was Suzie, and she was a Zebra Finch. It's not as bad as one Wednesday. We had to put my dachshund Duchess down. IT'S SO SAD!!!! It wasn't the first time I've had to get my dog put down. =-( I wish it would be my last, though. Death is so weird. It makes you feel strange. *Sigh* Things just don't feel right for a while. Things feel, well, empty. I've had four fish, four gerbils (if you count the two I gave my sister), one bird, and two dogs die. Or at least those are the pets. I'm sorry if this makes you depressed, but you got to think about these kinds of things. If it's not too saddening, think about death and lost loved ones. They are in a better place. Thats what I think. If you don't, it doesn't matter. Well, it does, but I don't want to talk about religion on here. So, anyways, think about it.

The saddest (yet still awesomest),


Wednesday, June 3

Ice Cubes

Today we went swimming at my friend Maddison's house with Tori. It was like 65 degrees! We froze. We stayed out for like 10 minutes, with Tori. We're both spending the night at Madison's. She has a band with Madee Awesome. Yeah, I know I already told you about Madee. I'm the body gaurd. Their first concert MIGHT be free. Others will probably be $50. Eleanor Rigby is an awesome song by the Beetles. THEY ROCK!!!!!! We are gonna TRY to pull an all-nighter. It will only werk (yes I intentionally spelled it that way) if it is fun. Not clear says the Magic Necklace. Don't ask. *Sigh*!!! >8-D