Friday, August 21

SCHOOL **grr**

Ahh, school. Well. School has started. Durn. Yup. My teachers are nice but I don't know about one of the 'cause she had a BABY. So, we gots a sub for the moment. Not much else to put out there. Guess I'll say bye now.

The awesomest,


Tuesday, August 18

Somebody's watching ME!!

It's a song. Ya know, from the Geicho commercials. Well, this is the original version. It's funny!! And cool.

And heres a different version

Tee he!!

The awesomest,


Monday, August 17


OH GARSH SCHOOL STARTS ON WEDNESDAY!!!!! WHAT AM I GONNA DOOOOOOO!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!! Seriously what am I gonna do. I AM excited about it though cuz since I'm in the gifted program and we usually only get 2 or 3 new people a year. But THIS year we are gettin' like 7 new people!! It's amazing!

The next OH NOES!! is about the Youth Symphony. I was recommended for the Youth Symphony in my town and I was like AWESOME!! and got an audition time but then I found out that the day when everyone in the symphony meets and practices is the same day that my Youth Group meets. (yay for run on sentences!) Tuesday.Uh. IDK what I'm gonna do!!

Ok well bye!

The awesomest,


Wednesday, August 12

Chicago (contd.)

I just got home from Chicago yesterday. IT WAS SO FUN! I left off on Saturday, right? Right. Well Saturday my parents had to go to a wedding so we stayed with Scot and Dale, the people's who were putting up with us. It was cool cuz we went to a Mexican restaurant and then saw 
G-Force which was kinda lame but still funny and was in 3-D. I swear that's what ALL movies are gonna be soon. Well then we went to Navy Pier and saw this thing call Cirque Shanghai 'Bright spirit' and it was awesome!! It was like Cirque du Soleil and if you don't know what that is Google it. It's like acrobats to the extreme. Then we went to dinner and had AMAZING waffle fries and we were gonna see fireworks and get ice cream but my stomach didn't feel good and my back hurt. 8(((( Well the next day we all (meaning me, my bro, my parents, and Scot and Dale) went to a White Sox game! Sadly the Sox got pummeled by the Cleavland Indians. 8( Monday my family and I went went to the beach of Lake Michigan. It was sooo fun even though the water was FREEZING! And I got sunburned. Mildly badly on my shoulders and sides of my thighs. Its in the shape of my swimsuit! 8) and 8( Well the we stuffed ourselves to exploding point at this DELICIOUS Italian restaurant on cheeses and bread and pasta. The cheese ROCKED. then me and my brother shared a heavenly warm chocolate cake with vanilla gelato(enriched ice cream). The others had a cold lemon thingy that was good too. Then Tuesday we left. And now here I am with still a sunburn, unable to go to Raging Rivers with my youth group. **sigh** Maybe next time.

The Awesomest,


Saturday, August 8


can you figure out the title? 8) ok well the reason for it is what i did last night. (if you have a sick and twisted mind STOP WHAT YOU ARE THINKING MADELINE) ok but i'll get to what i did but first..... GUESS WHERE I AM!! Chicago! o ya. i rock. well we drove up here on Wednesday and we are stayin with some friends of my step-dads. didn't do much Wednesday but Thursday we went to the Science and Industry (I think thats wat its called) and saw the Harry Potter exhibition where they have costumes and props from the actual movies! It was awesome. and I got a wand! An authentic replica of Dumbledore's wand also called the

Elder Wand, Death Stick, and a ton of other names.

It was sooo cool. And then last night (Friday night) we went to the Imax theater (that has a screen as tall as a 6 story building and you can view a Blue Whale in actual size on it) and saw The 6th Harry Potter!! It was also in 3-D but only for the first few scenes. ok well i will blog more later bye!!

The awesomest,