Sunday, September 27


OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NEW MOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cannot believe it! And ya know what? The creepy one with big red eyes and a blonde bun, Jane, is DAKOTA FANNING!!!
She doesn't look like someone who would care about a pig.



Thursday, September 24


Hey! I made a fanfiction account! My first EVER fanfiction is called Caine's Pleasure. It is NOT rated x. Madeline. It's a GONE fanfiction. If you go to and go to books and click G for Gone then click Gone you will be in the right place!! It SHOULD be on the first page.

I got a Yahoo. If you want it, you will have to ask me in person.

School. Yuk. It's pretty boring. It's school. What did I expect??

I am SO bored. 

The awesomest,


Monday, September 21


Sorry I haven't been been posting. Again. Just haven't felt like it. 8 |

The Awesomest,


Thursday, September 10


yo everyone!! check out my WHOLE site. especially the bottom. there is going to be a new poll every so often. and put something in the what do YOU think? thing. please! ok. 

guess wat? Jamie broke his arm. he's my friend. yes, HE is a HE. real name James. Jamie is cooler. it's kinda creepy, because he's been over to my house and I've been over to his house, but whatever. you see, Jamie is PJ's (Pastor Jeff, the youth pastor at 185) son, and sometimes everyone in my youth group (or those who choose to) go to a member of 185's house. by the way, 185 is my youth group. well, once they came to my house. but at least there was other people their. i've been over to his house twice, and once it was a youth group super bowl party thing. the other time it was just my family and his. my dad and his dad are really good friends. so, ya. enough about Jamie.

i am reading this REALLY awesome book called GONE, and in it all people over 15 disappear. awesome right? wrong. what about the babies and toddlers? whose gonna take care of them? and fires and accidents and injuries? who will deal with that? and the sick? what about them? oh, and NO internet, NO TV, and NO internet. and then, what if food runs out? and WHO will deal with all the bullies and jerkwads?? didn't think of THAT, now did you?

The Awesomest,

 C E O     

Thursday, September 3

O my

HOLY CRAP THE ICE CREAM TRUCK HAS A NEW SONG!! Fur. Elise. By Beethoven. Weird, right? And do you like my new back round? PLEASE COMMENT I'M DESPERATE! And Madison and Madeline, I DO know you comment.

heyy all

Hi! I is be sorry i have not been blogging. 8 ( but now i am so yay! OMG like 4 people have Swine Flu at my school. AAHHH!!!! my throat hurts. so does my head. and my nose is full of snot. like my head. and i get random aches and pains. and i cough. BUT, at least there is a 3-day weekend coming up! yay! 

I AM eventually going to write my fanfiction. and my story about a cat named Quizmir and some guy who  i forgets his name. i did it with this kid in my class Christian. he came up with it. i'll put the part i have done on here. eventually.

did I ever tell you i have acid reflux? well now i did. i have to take Prilosec and the Doc said that now i have to stop takin it in like 2 weeks and then take take some other medicine and IDK wat i'll do when i'm done with Prilosec ahh! 

yayz for run-on sentences!

k well bye!

The awesomest,