Tuesday, February 23

In the Shining of the Stars

This song is so amazing. We're playing it in band. I love it so so so so so so much!

I know that there is a pause at the beginning. Ignore it. Continue on to 00:30.

Isn't it beautiful!

This song is by Paramore. The music video is so random, so I don't even know. Don't ask. It's called Brick By Boring Brick.

I told you! But I still love the song. Oh, and that girl with the blonde hair next to the hole? That's HAYLEY WILLIAMS. The lead singer. Mm hm. Yah. Weird, I know.

Anywho, I have to go take care of the peoples kitties. They are so adorable.


The Awesomest,


By the way, you look funny with your eyes all squinty like that.

Friday, February 12

Back at School...

Wow... Hopey just realized that me and Madeline were pretty much twins...

Madeline is writing ANOTHER story and I said it  hahahahah i kgot the computer!!!!!! elieen is looking away, can't wait till she sees this! HAHAHA!!! this is fun!!!!! TOBY MACS WEBSITE IS COMING UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYAYAYAY!!!!! oh elieen is looking. OH WELL!!!  heheheheheheheheheheh LALALALA hahahahahah jklsjkldfasdvgdfsdgsgahsdrga  was so lovey and such that if I was in it I would throw up, so she threw me in throwing up next gegegegegegegegegegegegegegegege to the guy in the story... Wait, what was I doing beside him??


This girl isfghjkl;zxcvbnm,./][poiuytrewq1234566788900--=-0987654321 nm,.////,,mnnnnnjhhgttresazsxdcfvg    45879697245687 i don't really have any thing important to say right now. surprise surprise. says that this guy likes me but I don't believe her.


Hopey is on Toby Macs website but NO music will play!!!!!! anger.


So we gotta go soon. Lates.

The awesomest,
+  HOPE!!!!!