Tuesday, February 1

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

HOLY CRAP it's a new year!

And it's February... 

And this is the first time I've updated in a while...

I'm a disappointment. Get over it.

So we have a lot of snow in my area, and ice, and wind. All that fun stuff. And we got called off school early yesterday. And no school today or tomorrow. Or probably Thursday or Friday due to extreme cold.

The ice is so thick, I can walk on top of it and it won't break. It's so cool.


I like to play video games like the little nerd I am, and one of my favorites is the Devil May Cry franchise. I'm playing the first one right now on my new/old PS2 and it's freaking beast. Except when they give you TWO bosses in one level. That's just not cool. I mean, who does that? Technically speaking, there's three bosses. But the first one is impossible to beat so you just run. Run far and run fast. 

It's just not cool.

And yet I still play it... like a mad-woman... 

Guess what tomorrow is?! Groundhog's Day! Let's all pin our hopes of a short winter on a stupid mammal that will run back into it's burrow if you breathe too close to it. ._.

So anyways, I was reading this graphic novel and it's really late in the series, like the seventeenth manga. And I found out that a character I perceived to be a total man, like, no question, is in fact a girl of the female variety. And that another character, who I thought was unaffected by all this drama and was comic relief, is in love with her/him. And she/he is with another man but she wants to be with the first man, and the second man wants to be the main character's best friend, but the second man feel obliged to be with the girl/man even though he and the main character's best friend are totally in love and the girl/man is confused about who she/he loves, and the main character's best friend is just really lonely and wants the second man so bad, and the first man knows he can never be with the girl/man but he still wants him/her. 

And that's not even the main plot.

I kinda had an epileptic attack after I found out the man is a girl. I screamed. Then told Madeline. And she screamed and had an epileptic attack.

I've also played the Sims 3 at least six of the past twenty-four hours. 

...I really need to get out of the house more...

...But I don't. Not when the streets are like frozen, snowy death-traps that can't wait to total your car. 

So I get on the computer and ramble/rant about every little thing to the internet!

 I hope that updated you on the Randomness of My Life. 

-3.1415927 [Formerly CEO]